Monday 18 July 2011

Portable Hex beam

Sunday wind, no rain and beautiful blue sky, a perfect day to test the portable hex beam that I have built over the last few days. A 20m mono-bander that will later be adapted for 15 and 10m bands as well.

For the tests today I pushed her up to about 5-6m on a un-stayed, glass fiber telescopic mast and was very happy with the results. An SWR of between 1.5 and 1.8 across 14.150 / 14.350mhz without any adjustments from the design specs. With a bit of trimming to the tip spacing I'm sure this can be improved to below 1.5 across the working range.

North American stations were heard at S7 to S8 consistently and the local noise level was about S2. Off the back of the beam these station could not be heard !

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